-Lecturer at Cornell University-
Claire M. Ménard
Claire M. Ménard, PhD
Lecturer at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
E-mail: cm879@cornell.edu
COMPLETE CV: Click here

Research and Teaching Interests
Cinema and literature scholar, certified in film studies, with a dual degree from Rutgers University and Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis. Experienced teacher with proven excellence in teaching French, and cinema, and 13 years of experience teaching in diverse institutions. Certified in teaching with technology and teaching French for the professions.
Research Interests: French and francophone cinema, gender studies, French and francophone 20th-21stcentury literature, visual studies, migration studies, teaching pedagogy and online courses. History of French Cinema, West African Cinema, Networks and Globalization in Contemporary French and Francophone Films and Literature, Media studies, French 20thcentury theory.
My work shows how the concept of flexibility represents a new ambiguous paradigm of social and spatial domination in contemporary francophone cinema and literature, and how this concept applies to the cinematic medium and grammar, but also to work spaces, gender, and modern migrations.
Current Academic Appointment
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Lecturer in French in the Romance Studies Department
Coordinator for Intermediate French 2090 and French 1210
Instructor for French 1220 (Beginners' French 2)
Teaching of the advanced course “Introduction to French and Francophone Cinema” I created this couse “Le genre dans l’histoire du cinéma de langue française de ses origines à aujourd’hui” [Gender in French-Speaking Cinema’s History, from its Origins to Today]
Book project entitled “The Unbearable Flexibility of Being: Networks and Wandering in Contemporary French and Francophone Films and Literature”: I am currently reorganizing my dissertation into a two-book volume which I want to publish in French and English.
“Semi-subjectivité et empathie dans Rosetta et Le fils des frères Dardennes”, in progress, submission expected July 2018.
Simon, Juliette. ““Seriality and the Group” in Upcoming collection of critical essays on Jean-Paul Sartre, ed. Matthew Eshleman (Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at University of North Carolina), Routledge, expected 2018.
PhD in French (defended with high honors in 2016): Rutgers University/co-tutelle Paris 8.
Advisors: Dr. Alan Williams, Dr Pierre Bayard.
Teaching with Technology Certificate.
Certificate in Film Studies
Scholar in Residence (2012-2013): Université Paris 8-Saint-Denis, France/Ecole Normale de la Rue d'ULM
Graduate School ED 31, Pratique et Théorie du Sens, Research Team led by Prs. Pierre Bayard and Mireille Séguy.
Masters of Arts in French (2009): Miami University
Advisor: Dr. Patricia Reynaud.
Masters of Arts in Anglophone Studies, British and American Translation, Literature and Civilization (2007): Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France Advisor: Dr. François de Chantal
Bachelor of Arts in Language, Literature, Culture/LLCE English, minor in French as a Second Language (Licence, 2005): Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
French, native speaker
English, near-native fluency
German, reading knowledge, basic oral proficiency
Spanish, reading knowledge
Italian, reading knowledge
Latin, basic reading knowledge
- Camtesia
- Voicethread
- Office for Macs and PCs
- Online Interface: Sakai, Blackboard, My Courses
- Online Classroom Interface: Quia, iLearn
- Presentation software and applications: PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Camtesia,
- Video software: Final Cut Pro, IMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Photostory
- Projection technologies: Operation of 35 /16 mm film projectors.
- Video games: The Sims for the Language Learner
- Online applications and Social Networks: Instragram, Vine, Facebook, Tweeter
- Operation of various videos cameras (mostly Canons and Samsungs)
-Workshops attended:
- Excel Workshops I, II
- Prezi Presentations I, II
- Using Videos in PowerPoint presentations
- Using New Medias in the Classroom
Selected Conferences and Lectures
Panel/roundtable participant:
“LGBTQ Films in Intermediate/Advanced French Language Teaching.” Roundtable on LGBTQ Issues in the Classroom, Annual NeMLA Convention (The State University of New York at Buffalo, Pittsburgh, PA, April 12-15, 2018).
« L’insoutenableflexibilitéde l’être– luttes et pouvoirs dans le cinéma de Claire Denis. » Sous les pavés, la plage!, AnnualInternational Colloquium 20thand 21stCentury French and Francophone Studies(Brown University, April 12-14, 2018).
“The economy of female bodies and the female “I” in Agnès Varda’s films.” Agnès Varda’s Gaze, Annual NeMLA Convention(The State University of New York at Buffalo, Pittsburg, PA, April 12-15, 2018).
« L’insoutenableflexibilité de l’être– errance et nomadisme dans le cinéma contemporain de Nicolas Klotz et des frères Dardenne. »Migration/ Représentations/ Stéréotypes, International Colloquium (University of Ottawa, April 30, 2017).
« Une (certaine) idée (du) fixe : La littérature en dialogue avec la photographie et le cinéma. »La literature et la photographie: Rencontres, échanges, interactions,Annual NeMLA Convention(The State University of New York at Buffalo, Hartford, CT, March-17-20, 2016).
“Blogging in French Courses – Interpersonal Communication Outside the Classroom.” Using Technology in the Classroom, World Institute for Global Languages Orientation Week(Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ,August 2015).
« Présence et absence des réseaux-rhizomes capitalistes dans la fiction et le cinéma contemporains. »The Representation ofNew Technologies in French and Francophone Literature & Films, Annual NeMLA Convention(The State University of New York at Buffalo, Toronto, ON, April 30-May 3, 2015).
« Rhizome, capitalisme et mutations chez Jean-Echenoz et J-P. Toussaint. » Faire le point : Quand la littérature fait savoir – Mutations, Institutions,AnnualInternational Colloquium 20thand 21stCentury French and Francophone Studies (Louisiana State University, Bâton-Rouge, LA, February 25-27, 2015).
“Using Video Cameras in the Classroom – Final Projects for the Language Learner.” Using Technology in the Classroom,World Institute for Global Languages Fall Colloquium(Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, August 2014).
« Flexibilité en réseau et connectivité rhizomique, principes phares de l'hypermodernité. » Networks in Literature and Films, Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference of the French Department (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2014).
« Lignes, trajectoires et réseaux comme vecteurs de sens dans quelques œuvres choisies de Jean-Philippe Toussaint. »Sens et mouvement(s), International Conference, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Jendouba (Tunisia, Mar 4-6, 2013)
Deuil et Compulsion de répétition, le processus de zombification au cœur de la gestion du traumatisme dans Pluie et Vent sur Télumée Miraclede Simone Schwarz-Bart et La Traversée de la Mangrovede Maryse Condé.” Cincinnati Conference of Romance Language and Literature (University of Cincinnati, April 2011).
Conference organizer/Panel moderator:
Conference organizer: Global Solidarity Forum/Teach In,Public Forum on ISIS/DAESH after the Paris, Beirut and Ankara attacks. Co-sponsored by the Department of French and the Department of Middle Eastern Studies (Co-organizer, Rutgers University, Spring 2015).
Transition and Transgression,Annual Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference of the Department of French (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Spring 2015).
Networks in Literature and Films, Annual Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference of the Department of French (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Spring 2014).
Panel chair: The Representation of New Technology in French and Francophone Literature and Films. Annual NeMLA Convention (The State University of New York at Buffalo, Toronto, ON, April 30-May 3, 2015).
(Auto) Biography. Transition and Transgression, Annual Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference of the Department of French (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Spring 2015).
Roundtable moderator: “Teaching at Rutgers – Cultural Differences and Language Teaching Pedagogy.” Annual International Orientation (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, August 2015).
A&S Undergraduate Admissions, Romance Studies Faculty Representative-at-large for College selection committee, College of Art and Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2017- current) – Work with the Office of Admissions to select undergraduate students, in collaboration with the Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences.
French Language Convener (2017-Current) – Liaison with the Chair and Associate Chair, and Professorial Faculty, responsibilities include convening meetings, overseeing curricular changes, and helping prepare the next academic year’s planning.
Romance Studies Orientation Week for Graduate Students Teaching Assistants, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (Fall 2017) – Train new graduate students TA, presented workshops on using films in the language classroom as well as the Communicative Method for Second-Language Acquisition.
Department Website Committee, Department of Romance Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2016-2017) – Reorganize curriculum information, update the website, meet with technicians to decide on the overall look coordinate reviews of the Beta site, and report progress to the faculty meetings.
A&S Faculty Discussion on Curriculum, College Mission and Graduation requirements, College of Art and Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca NY (Fall 2016).
Rutgers University 2010-2016
Department of French (2012-2016)
Co-administrator for social networks:Updated the Twitter and Facebook accounts of the Department of French, created content and promoted existing programming.
Co-president and organizer of the French Department’s Graduate and Post-Graduate Conference “Networks in Literature and Films,” Rutgers University (2014)
President of the French Graduate Student Organization, Rutgers University, NJ (2011 - 2012 /2013 - 2014)
Co-president and organizer of the French Department’s Graduate Conference “La fracture – Disrupted Subjectivity,” Rutgers University (2012)
Center for European Studies (2011-2015)
Graduate Associate: Organized and participated in cross-disciplinary roundtable discussions with graduate students from all humanities and social sciences departments.
School of Arts and Sciences (2014)
Roundtable Moderator for International New Teaching Assistants: Presented a workshop on cultural differences in teaching, “Navigating Cultural Differences in the Classroom,” staffed events during orientation.
Graduate Student Council: roundtable “Navigating Graduate School – Expectations and Requirements,” President of the French Graduate Student Organization (2014).
Professional Affiliations
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
20th-21st Century Literature